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GPS Tracking Systems

“Mobile Mark’s antennas for GPS Tracking systems provide single and dual-ban coverage.”

There has been a great revolution in the technology used for GPS Tracking Systems & Fleet Management. And, we can proudly claim that we’ve been at the forefront of this change. Whatever your requirements, you will be able to get state-of-the-art antennas for GPS Tracking systems here. Our designs are innovative, many of them patented and available only at Mobile Mark. In addition to this, we ensure quality manufacturing of the antennas for GPS Tracking systems and you can count on them to deliver reliable performance.

Mobile Mark’s antennas for GPS Tracking systems provide single and dual-ban coverage and can be used for navigation and vehicle tracking applications. Dual-band and tri-band models combine active GPScoverage with Cellular/CDPD, PCS, GSM, SMR/Trunking or commercial applications at Orbcomm, 220 MHz and 450 MHz. Our range of GPS Tracking and Navigation Systems include:

  • On Window Antennas – Easy to install, the low profile external whip has a length of only 3.5”.
  • Surface Mount Antennas (Low Profile including Dome) – Since the radiating element is contained within the antenna, no external whip is needed.
  • Surface Mount Antennas (Whip Antennas) – These antennas come with external whips which allows for wider coverage. Select models are also ground plane independent.
  • Covert Antennas – These compact antennas measure only 1 5/8″W x 2 3/8″L x 5/8″H and can be mounted in discreet locations like under the dashboard or rear parcel desk.
  • Magnet Mount Antennas – These are available in two styles – a compact GPS-only antenna and a larger multi-band antenna.

Mobile Mark is also known for its flexible manufacturing capabilities of antennas for GPS Tracking Systems. If you’d like more information on our products feel free to get in touch with us. If you are in US, call us at the toll free number (800) 648-2800 or e-mail us at For our customers in UK, please call +44 1543 878343 or send an e-mail at

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