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Industries & Technologies

We service a variety of industries using wireless technologies from 30 MHz to 7.2 GHz.
DAS & In-Building
Fleet Management

Navigation and vehicle tracking were the first steps into fleet management. As Cellular moved from 2G to 3G to 4G LTE, fleet management operators were able to transmit more data, more quickly.  We can expect to see new frequency releases and new applications over the coming years. 

5G ready “6-2-6”

Mobile Mark’s Super Wideband Antennas cover the entire sub-6 frequency band from 600-6000 MHz. The “6-2-6” antenna solutions make it possible to connect to any of the current or planned cellular frequency bands that reside at or below 6 GHz.

DAS & In-Building
Precision Agriculture

Technical advances in Agriculture have made it a natural target for introducing wireless communications. 

Access to timely data collection can be key to making the right decisions to either maximize production or even avoid disasters.  Whether collected from fields or from livestock, data drives the modern farm. 

Medical IoT Antenna Solutions for Connected HealthCare
Medical IoT

As wireless options for Medicine have expanded, and security protocols developed to protect privacy, wireless communication has become an increasingly important part of the way data is handled.  Recently these types of data transmissions have fallen under the heading IoMT, the Internet of Medical Things or IoHT, the internet of Medical Things.

DAS & In-Building
Industrial IoT

The “Internet of Things”…

The IIoT, or Industrial Internet of Things, builds on what is already in place by providing new tools.  Sometimes it is simply a matter of getting current data faster, but sometimes it changes what is possible by providing new information and control possibilities.


Private LTE is all about customizing a solution that best meets your requirements. From targeted coverage to flexible network configurations, choosing the right antennas can help you optimize your network.

Cellular M2M
Cellular M2M

Cellular M2M antenna technology solutions can be found at Mobile Mark. While there are parallels from one M2M (Machine-to-Machine) network to another, each network is unique. There is a need to assess the challenges and choose the right tools; one important tool is the antenna.

Public Safety
Public Safety

Public Safety and emergency response demand dependable wireless connections, and the antenna provides the critical link. Mobile Mark designs antenna solutions that optimize connections. From wireless network buildout to video streaming to fleet management, we have a solution for you.

Smart Highway
Smart Highway

A smart highway is a roadway with technological features that are built into the design. These features can be as simple as overhead gantries for easier toll collection, but they all work together to increase safety and improve efficiency of life in some way. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) make these smart highways possible.


Land Mobile Radio continues to be an important option for many commercial and governmental wireless users. These terrestriallybased wireless communications systems are used by Emergency Responders, Public Works, Construction, Utilities, and the Military to dispatch vehicle fleets or stay connected to mobile personnel.


As Military Antenna Manufacturers, Mobile Mark, understands that military requirements are different, that the antennas will be used in difficult environments and need to be ready for squad deployments, pop-up stations, or communications intelligence-gathering (COMINT). That’s why our antennas are rugged, durable and reliable.


Mobile Mark understands that Mining takes place in difficult and remote environments.  Extra measures need to be put in place to bring reliable wireless coverage to these settings. From exploration to extraction to delivery, wireless has become an integral part of the process.  Mechanical integrity of the antennas can be as important as electrical performance. 


Wireless connectivity has become increasingly important for Passenger Trains, Trams and Commercial Freight trains. The push to implement Positive Train Control (PTC) is just one aspect of the wireless evolution taking place in the rail industry. Providing wireless connections can be a challenge. Mobile Mark’s wide range of antennas can help you prepare for it all.


At Mobile Mark, we know that each wireless network has its own challenges. That’s why we design antenna solutions that are optimized for each connection. From wireless network build-out to remote monitoring to fleet management, we have a solution for you.


From WLAN in warehouses to WiFi Hotspots in coffee houses to real-time video feeds from police vehicles, the nature of Commercial WiFi networks has changed over the years. At Mobile Mark, we understand that different WiFi antenna networks are needed to satisfy these evolving networks. Our MIMO antennas support the newest WiFi systems, whether they require two, three or six inputs.

DAS & In-Building
Infrastructure and Fixed Site

It is extremely important to have reliable and efficient antennas aligned to receive and transmit signals.  Fixed site antennas allow the infrastructure to be extended into hard to reach areas.  Mobile Mark’s fixed site antennas are the ideal solution for building out base station systems and extending wireless network coverage.